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Discussion | Report shows HIV/AIDS patients being turned away from clinics

The Colchester clinic in the Eastern Cape is dilapidated, with a collapsed ceiling, shattered windows and no doors.
MTHATHA, EASTERN CAPE – Data collected in the last four years shows that HIV/Aids patients in the Eastern Cape are being refused services at some clinics. 
The fourth edition Ritshidze report shows that at least 495 people were denied access to ARV treatment because they didn’t have a transfer letter. That’s despite ART guidelines not requiring one to be a patient at the clinic approached. 
READ: HIV/AIDS | Concern over decline in condom distribution
The report reveals that the Eastern Cape is the worst province for turning people away. Sex workers, members of the LGBTQI plus community and people who use drugs have also reported being turned away from health facilities in the province. 
READ: HIV/AIDS | Calls to expand access to PrEP treatment
The Ritshidze team says it has ideas on how to resolve these issues, and ensure that patients don’t default on treatment. 
Project Coordinator for Ritshidze, Ndivhuwo Rambau, had a conversation with the eNCA.
